Friday, January 16, 2009

Johnny's Shuffle Groups?

There's a big rumor going around in the JE fandom. That allegedly Johnny's is taking different members from 
each group and forming several Dream Units, much like H!P's Shuffle Groups. Now much like Shuffle Groups these Dream Units are only temporary. On New Year's Eve there will be an event where all the new units are gathered together then put back into their original groups. Supposedly, NTV and Fuji are battling it out for the television rights. It's supposedly happening sometime in April, but who's to say it's not happening tomorrow. It's not like there's an official announcement about this.

I think I'm the only fangirl out there who didn't have a heart attack over this news. I'm actually excited for this, if it is true at all. But since there are mixed opinions on the whole situation I'm going to list my pros and cons of these alleged Dream Units.

Reason 1: It works at Johnny's Countdown. Every year at Johnny's Countdown members are mixed up and thrown together singing other group's songs. It seems to work fine then, and I'm sure it's ratings gold. But this time Johnny's is getting more bang for his buck. Massive amounts of fangirls paying for what they see free on TV every year.

Reason 2: Uchi and Kusano comeback! These shuffle units would be perfect for Uchi's and Kusano's comeback. It can test the waters for a comeback, much like Uchi's solo concerts. It can be a trial period to see if they are good enough to be put back into NEWS. And if they fail it has no repercussion to NEWS at all because it wasn't NEWS they made look bad. No, it was this brand new Dream Unit.

Reason 3: This could slowly destroy a certain Johnny's group. What if this Dream Unit consists of the elite of the elite within Johnny's? If it's a good enough song and if promoted right the single could potentially outsell Arashi's single. So what if they decide to focus mainly on this super group and only giving the respected groups their in one or two singles the entire year? This would never happen but it's a jumbled possibility running through my head.

Reason 4: Just how close are Dream Units to Shuffle Groups? We all know that H!P Shuffle groups went on and main groups still continued to make music. But, Shuffle Groups lasted for the summer and only had one or two singles. Johnny's is doing this all year! So they could put JE singles on hold and just focus on the Dream Units. Which doesn't seem very smart and is also unlikely to happen.

Reason 5: Less popular members can be in the spotlight more. Now many idol fans will argue that their idol isn't unpopular because they are perfect in their eyes. But we all now that's not true and some idols outsell their group mates by substantial amounts. Now some members can be in the spotlight more than they already are. Rather then "Oh I think I can see him but Yamapi or Jun is in the way." And I mean really how many solo lines do Shige or Koki really get? Not enough.

Reason 6: It's easy to juggle two groups, Ryo does it. There's actually nothing to explain on this one. Ryo is in both NEWS and Kanjani8 and does just fine.

Reason 7: It's Johnny's they know what they're doing. Johnny's has been around since he 60's. And practically every single and album they release shoots to number one. If anyone could make it work it would be Johnny's.

Reason 8: We're nothing without our leader. Kei-chan said it himself, NEWS is nothing without Yamapi. What if the popularity with his current group mixed with the popularity of this dream units finally gives them the nudge to go solo? Whether they decide it themselves or Johnny's "suggests" it.

All and all, I'm pretty excited by this. The group possibilities are endless.

You could have Jin and Koki from KAT-TUN, Kusano formerly from NEWS, and Sho from Arashi to make a hip-hop/rap group.
You could have Yamapi and Tegoshi from NEWS, Kame from KAT-TUN, Jun from Arashi and Subaru from Kanjani8 to make an elite vocal group.
You could have TegoMass and Yuri Chinen from Hey! Say! Jump form and cute group.
And so on.