Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hey! Say! JUMP-Magic Power preview

A short radio rip of Hey! Say! JUMP's upcoming single, Magic Power, was released a few days ago. I honestly don't know how I missed it until now. XD

As expected the song is pretty childish. But not as childish as I expected. It's obviously not one of my favorite Hey! Say! JUMP A-sides, but it's not so terrible that I can't listen to it. The music also has more of a motown feel then I thought it would have. The song is pretty cute I'll give it that, but after how mature Over was I was looking forward to HSJ moving away from their cute image. But as the youngest Johnny's group (NYC technically is, but they are more of a sub-group.) I guess there's no escaping it for now.

The line distribution is pretty awful. So far only Chinen and Ryosuke have solo lines. Just like I feared would happen. This is only half the song, so I suppose there could be more member's solos in the second half. But I wouldn't bet on it.


Anonymous said...

Epic!!! Thanks!

AimxAim said...

Lol. You're welcome! :]