Monday, July 25, 2011

KAT-TUN-Run For You PV preview

A commerical for KAT-TUN's Run For You single was just released. Giving us fans a sneak peek at the PV.

The PV preview is extremely short, it's roughly 10 seconds long. Pretty much all we get to see is them dancing to the chorus. They are dancing in all black in a plain white room. Can you say Real Face or Ultimate Wheels anyone? Since the PV preview is so short it's impossible to get a feel of what the PV is going to be like. For all we know this is just the dance scene and there's some other eleborate scenes going on in the rest of the PV. Most likely them dramatically running, like in their recent Suzuki Solio commercial.
However, since all we see is dancing there's also the chance that this is all the PV is going to be. If you remember the entire Ultimate Wheels PV was filmed in a white room. The set of Run For You seems to have more elements than the horrible nothing but white room in Ultimate Wheels. But you still never know.

Here's the PV preview

Also, here's the solio CM if you haven't seen it yet.