Thursday, November 27, 2008

Forever Love my darling!

So another one of my posts has been delayed slightly. But hey I've been busy and all that jazz.

C-ute's 7th single Forever Love was released on November, 26. I am really excited about this single. Since Edo no Temari no Uta II was kind of a let down. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a full blown dud but it wasn't my favorite C-ute single either. Forever Love has an amazing beat and music, it feels like something fresh for C-ute. The song as a whole is really great, and the my darling parts are just adorable. Vocally almost everyone is on par, except Saki. Her voice just seems a little out of place in this song. As for Airi's parts, her voice is almost too high for this song. There's no question that she's a talented singer but in my opinion her voice sounds a little awkward in this one. I hope people understand what I'm trying to say. I'd rather not get lynched by Airi fans. XD And surprisingly Erika, Mai, and Kanna's voices jump out the most in this song. Their voices are really suited for a song like this and they sound perfect in it. The biggest problem I have with this song is choosing what's better, Forever Love or Madayade. Which is an extremely hard decision, but I think I'm leaning more towards Madayade.

As far as the video goes the suits and office work makes it seem like a Madayade part 2. If there was ever a good time to share b-sides, now would have been the perfect time. But it's clear that the real theme of this PV is hideous outfits! I mean seriously golfer's plaid, houndstooth, bulky scarves, and what looks a hunter's jacket. Saki also seems to be wearing either purple corduroy or crushed purple velvet. Wow I really know my fabric. o_O Anyway, these patterns are barely nice on their own let alone thrown in together. But there is a bright side Erika and Maimi's outfits are super cute. But Erika wins for overall best outfit. I'm a sucker for vests. :D Aside from their clothes their really isn't much else going on. Throughout the whole video office version C-ute is watching dancing version on a computer screen. I feel kinda weird watching a computer screen on my computer. I wonder is anyone else thought of it that way?

Another highlight of this video is, that my girl Kanna looks absolutely adorable. I love her new curly hairstyle in the video. It looks amazing on her. She looked the best in the close ups in my opinion. Though I always pay more attention to her.