Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cafe Buono pizza

Buono was featured in two 15 second commercials for Pizz-la delivery pizza. Which according to the Pizza-la website is the no.1 delivery pizza. I absolutely love the outfits they are wearing. And everyone looks super cute, especially Airi. The little dance in the middle is very cute too, as expected from Buono. But I can't seem to get past the announcer's creepy voice.

But Buono endorsing it doesn't make me want this pizza. It actually looks really gross. Somehow Hot Hokkiado Potato Gratin Pizza just doesn't sound too appetizing. There's also pieces of corn in it. Just eww. This actually makes me happy that I don't live in Japan. There's a lot of weird Japanese pizza out there. From clams to shrimp and mayonnaise.