Sunday, September 28, 2008

1 2 Tan Tan Taan

I didn't expect the video to be out so soon perhaps I should stop making entire posts for just previews.

I never realized how good the Eggs actually are. I usually just focus on Koharu, mostly because she dominated Anataboshi. But they sound really amazing in this song. Especially Yuu, she sounds incredible. After listening to the song like 6 times I actually really like it. Even though it's slow paced it's still a really cute song. And I find myself singing the "ichi ni tan tan taan san shi tan tan taan" parts.

The video is very cute and colorful. It matches their new outfits perfectly. The video itself is pretty simple but it's so adorable. I love it. And it's nice to see focus on all the members. The dance is lacking a bit for my taste. The Anataboshi dance was amazing and fit with the song so well. This dance just kind of lacks imagination.

I really love Milky Way, but I wonder just how much longer are they going to last. I'm sure Kirarin Revolution is going to last for a while and Koharu will have more singles. But as for Milky Way won't it be time to hang up the tambourines soon? Kira☆Pika only lasted one single, so it's surprising to see Milky Way have two. Eventually new characters will come on the show and new Kirarin Revolution groups will form. Hopefully this single will sell well and we'll be able to have another single or two by Milky Way.

But anyway enjoy the video.