Sunday, June 12, 2011

NMB48- Zetsumetsu Kurokami Shoujo radio rip

The full radio rip for NMB48's debut single Zetsumetsu Kurokami Shoujo was just released.

Talk about jumping to conclusions. After hearing the full song I take back absolutely everything I said about the single being bland and forgettable. And I definitely take back saying that the single wasn't strong enough to be an A-side. I absolutely, completely, 100% love this song! This song is incredibly catchy. I was literally hooked on this song after the first listen. I think this song is a lot better than SDN48's debut single, and even their second single. The song isn't an instant idol classic like I feel about 1!2!3!4! Yoroshiku! or Oogoe Diamond. But it's actually pretty up there.
The song starts out in full force with this light, but still upbeat music, that can only be described as disco mixed with electronic. And the rest of the song is this amazing sort of techno/electronic club music. They start singing in these high voices, that almost sound like harmony lines, but they continue throughout the song. And for some reason I absolutely adore them. Then the chorus hits and it brings the energy level up to about 110%. And the notes hit at the later half of the chorus are sung just beautifully.
And then the rest of the song adds a bunch of effects to make the song engaging and interesting from start to finish. There is this incredible echo effect that happens right before the first chorus. It also sounds like the effects they use in auto tuning, but done completely light that it's not to over overbearing. And then they also have the members every so often say words in the background. Like onaji, yeah, come on, etc. That might sound pretty cheesy and cliche on the surface but it actually works 100% for the song. And towards the end of the song they have the members sing underneath the original singing and it sounds super amazing. That's not really explained well, but listen to the song from about 3:00-3:12  to see what I mean. It's really short, but it is still an awesome effect.
The song also gets really awesome for me, when they take their singing break and just have instrumental, like pretty much every song in the world does. But the song has this really awesome electronic, club, or house music feel to it. And it's absolutely incredible. The electronic music throughout the whole song is really awesome. And it sounds like the kind of music they release in the US. Which is an added bonus to me since I love all of America's autotuned club sounding music.

I am just completely in love with the song! I cannot wait to see the PV.