Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Acchan's PV has yet to bloom

The PV for Maeda Atsuko's debut solo single has been released.

I was pretty excited to see the PV, because the preview made it seems like it was going to be a sad PV. But I don't really think I understand the storyline so much. When I first saw the preview I thought Acchan's husband was running off on her leaving her alone with their daughter. But after seeing the PV it's actually her father who runs off and leaves her to take care of her sister. Which I get, but after that I'm not really sure. The entire PV shows Acchan with her sister. Playing with her and walking the streets with her. But then she loses her bus tickets and has to hitchhike. I thought all of that was supposed to symbolize her everyday struggle to take care of her sister. But it ends up just being a montage of one day. Which I should have picked up one since they both are wearing the same dress throughout the entire PV. In the end, the only reason they hitchhiked was so they could visit their dying mother in the hosptial.
And then that's where I'm lost. If the entire point of the PV was for them to see their mother, what does the rest of it have to do with anything? Why did their father leave in the first place? And why did they emphasis on that if it wasn't even important to the storyline? Why did they follow the two sisters around, and make it look like they were struggling, when only one day had passed? Why wasn't the entire PV about them not being able to handle that their Mother is in the hospital?
I know the PV is supposed to be touching and sad, but there's not really a distinct storyline to follow. So, I'm not exactly sure why I'm supposed to be sad or why any of this is happening. I guess they kind of touch on their sadness, when Acchan's sister lines up all the plastic windmills. But other than that, nothing. Maybe I'm just dense and don't see the obvious underline message of the PV. But I don't actually see one.

The PV even starts with Acchan and her sister alone, but still in their house.

It then quickly flashes to Acchan looking completely sad on the side of the road. Which I guess is suppsosed to mean time has passed?

However, the scene where she is begging her father to stay they are wearing the same dresses. Actually Acchan's outfit is different. But you can plainly see that her sister's dress is the exact same one she wears throughout the PV. So, does that mean it's the same day or a different day? And if it's a different day, why is does her sister never change her dress?

To me, it looks like they are aimlessly wandering around because they don't have a home. But if it's the same day that's impossible. I should really say time frame, because about 3 or 4 days actually pass throughout the PV.

I'm sure whatever this note from her father says helps the storyline too.

And her sister steals the plastic flowers,

for what appears to be a display in honor of their Mother I guess. XD

Then the man who gave them a ride looks at a picture of his own daughter. I guess to give the underline meaning to appreciate you children, or something. I have no idea.

Finally they are reunited with their mother.

Only for Acchan to show her a picture.


Maiko said...

Isn't this song supposed to be the theme of her new movie?

Anonymous said...

I think the little girl is supposed to be little Acchan. Notice at the end when the little girl grabs the mom's hand. The little girls hand turns into Acchan's and Acchan is wearing the same clothes as the girl was. Hope this helps to clear up the PV a bit more, makes way more sense when you see that bit.

AimxAim said...

@Maiko: It is the theme for her first movie. But I don't think the PV has anything

@Anonymous: OMG I didn't even notice that! The PV makes perfect sense now. I think the whole PV was supposed to be Acchan as the little girl and her mother as Acchan. Thanks so much for pointing that out! <3