Thursday, March 24, 2011

Yan Yan JUMP second preview

During Saturday's episode of YY Jumping there was another preview for Hey! Say! JUMP's and Johnny's Junior's new show Yan Yan JUMP.

The commercial is only about 12 seconds long and is nearly identical to the first Yan Yan JUMP commercial. The only real difference is the guest for that week are different. The commercial says next week's episode will feature Hey! Say! JUMP members Yabu Kota and Chinen Yuri. Which pretty much confirms it won't be just Hikaru and Daiki, and instead the HSJ members will in fact be shuffled every week.

It also shows the Johnny's Juniors guest next episode are Morimoto Shintaro and Hashimoto Ryosuke. The commercial also says that Yan Yan JUMP will begin airing April 16th.

Now, I say the next episode because YY Jumping's last episode was the episode that was being promoted as Yan Yan JUMP's first episode. Which is incredibly confusing and makes absolutely no sense. What would possibly be the reason to air the episode early? Not only air the episode early, but during that episode air a commercial that says Yan Yan JUMP isn't going to premiere for over 3 weeks from now. I can't fathom the logic behind that. XD