Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I know in half of the world, and in like 3 more hours in most of the world, it's already the new year. But since I live in the eastern United States it's still roughly 6 and a half hours until the new year. Us people living in North and South America always have to wait the longest. XD

So, I just wanted to take the time to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

I'll see you in 2011, where I'll most likely be making my Kohaku and Johnny's Countdown posts. :D Until then I hope every one has a great New Years Eve (or day). I'm the new year will be even more eventful than the last.


Unknown said...

I still have 3 hours to go...I envy those who get to celebrate it early...

AimxAim said...

Happy New Years! I hope yours went well. :]

I envy people who get to celebrate early too. By the time I woke up yesterday, it was already New Years in half the world. XD