NEWS preformed their news single, Fighting Man, on today's episode of Music Station. Since I am beyond in love with the song I had to make a post about their appearance. It honestly feels like an utter tease to watch them perform it live and not have a PV yet. But I'll live, since it will probably only be another week or two before the PV comes out.
Well I can honestly say I had absolutely no idea this song had English in it. Obviously Fighting Man was in English, but I mean beyond that. And it's funny because my favorite chorus parts are the English lines. Even though they aren't pronouncing the words 100% correct, collectively it actually sounds really good. And after watching the live it seems the megaphone line really was Shige after all. I have no idea why I thought it was Tegoshi. I think that's probably the biggest compliment Shige will ever get on his singing. XD
Now on to the best parts of the performance.
Ryo looks pretty fine. I love how his hair is. I was afraid because in recent magazine scans Ryo had some pretty ugly hair. XD
Lolz random poses in the background.
And Ryo has the best oufit.
I'm not feeling Yamapi's hair. It's the same style that Kame had.
WTF is up with Tegoshi's hair? He looks even more womanly than usual. Unless he's going to go jam with Montley Crue later. XD
I'm sure this line just means don't be a wet blanket. o_o
I'm sorry but the slow motion punch move is lame.
Massu looks so bad.
Adorable. And Ryo's shocked do no want face is priceless.
As always, if you want to watch this performance you'd better do so fast. You know before Johnny's streaming nazis have it taken down.
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